It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Well, maybe it’s not that dramatic, but I have had several people ask me which choice won the blog poll for the new title of my memoir. It actually was a tie!
The envelope please…
With both obtaining a respectable 27.3%, the winners are: 237 First Dates that Changed My Life
Love, Alt, Delete: 237 First Dates that Changed My Life
As some of you remember, I held a contest on my Facebook Page for friends to submit entries for the new title. So the winning title goes to Eric. He’ll receive some goodies from our friends at Fish Hugger. Fish Hugger has delicious, sustainable salmon, beef and other products that are healthy and good for the environment.
Eric’s title was Love, Alt, Delete (which I love BTW). Since I’m not sure, still, exactly what title and subtitle I’m going with, I’ve decided to give out a runner-up prize to Sherry who submitted Confessions of a Dating Mom. I love that one too, and I may use that in some form or fashion. So Sherry will also receive something yummy!
Thank you everybody who participated. I appreciate your support and ongoing encouragement. I could not do this without each of you! Look for a new poll soon on the blog.
P.S. That’s my TBR pile above! I have a lot of reading to do this summer.
copyright © 2009 Tiia Jones
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