I apologize to those of you who have read the excerpts on the other site because this will be a repeat, but after this intro, there will be new material. Please read and respond because it's the best way to help in this whole publishing process. I need a little cheering section! Recommend it to your friends, your family, your friends' family...well you get the picture.
The Rules
I think I have had more first dates than anyone else in America. Well, at least in the Southwest….but with my failure rate I ought to get the whole country. Where did it all start? I guess you could say it started when I got a divorce but that wouldn’t really be fair. Perhaps I can blame my best friend for making me try internet dating. Maybe it started when the military invented the internet so really it’s their fault. Whatever the case, I have had over 230 first dates off of the internet in the past eight years. I say “over” because, really, at some point I sort of lost track and there may have been a few that were so inconsequential as to not have even made the list. I’m like a woman possessed; on a mission. I’m determined, you see, to find a husband. And, yes, as trite as it sounds I’m determined to find Prince Charming.
Somehow when I started counting recently and I realized it had been so many, I was shocked and embarrassed by the sheer colossal nature of that number. But then I thought, well (to use one of my least favorite phrases in the English language), “It is what it is.” Of course it IS what it IS. What do people really mean when they say that anyway? If something wasn’t what it was, what would it be? But I digress.
Read on to find out how to write your Profile, The Rules for Successful Internet Dating, and some of my crazy internet dating adventures. Oddly enough, other people have had them too! The stories just keep getting weirder and weirder...so please share yours.
copyright © 2009 Tiia Jones
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